The Perils Of Wild Meat.
One should also note that I am paranoid and blow things out of proportion, I am harmless and any hateful thing I say should be treated with the seriousness with which politicians’ promises are given. So when I say that vegetarians are evil, it’s essentially the same as being called a “poo poo head” by a 3 year old. (Or in my case, by a 12 year old with a big head and walks funny) You know, there are vegetarians who claim that they don’t eat meat, and that in effect make them vegetarians. However, there are those who eat egg and fish. Fish is meat, case closed. Egg is meat. Case closed. Okay, the flesh of a chicken is cooked and consumed. It is meat. The chicken is a living thing. The egg, with time, grows into a baby chicken, who would grow to a full grown chicken, whose flesh is consumed. How can one say that egg isn’t meat? Could such persons be implying that yolk is vegetable? Preposterous, considering vegetables come from the earth. Fish are living and have flesh, flesh is meat. How on earth could people eat egg or fish and claim they are vegetarians? Hypocrites, I say! I do hope you see my point. (There is one at the end of every sentence)
Now, I eat meat. I enjoy meat. Meat is good. Actually, meat is very important as it contains some crap that we all need. We are all supposed eat some meat, even a little. Now, there are some perils to meat eating. Some of us venture on the wild side and eat “wild meat”. What is wild meat? I’m glad you ask. (Actually, I’m not because if you did then you’re just giving me more to type and it’s really more of a convention to say that I’m glad even when I’m not, but if you didn’t ask, then kudos to you.) Wild meat is meat that doesn’t come from everyday animals, such as pigs or cows etc. People eat all sorts of wild meats, including Iguana and Armadillo. I just recently was able to eat some Agouti. It’s pretty good. Now, the thing with wild meat is that the animal would be caught by a hunter. In a hunter’s arsenal is usually a, as I like to call “gun”. Guns usually contain “bullets”. Okay I’m done with babying you. Yes, hunters shoot the animals. Oddly enough, a piece of a bullet was found in the wild meat- after it was cooked! That’s it in the picture! Enjoy!