You suggest some site updates.
Is there anything you aren't satisfied with on the blog? Please let me know, be it the colour scheme or anythign else. I am also looking for I_Live_for_Sleep, her site is down and well, she just vanished :( If anyone's site is no longer active, please let me know (in reference to those who i have linked to on my blog).
The color is definitely very loud, but the change is refreshing. The flash header is a nightmare to load in my dial-up connection, though.
Hey Sam, do you have any info if Blogger is gonna support categories in the future?
There is a "hack" of sorts where you would have more than one blog. You know what, i think i'm gonna do an article on it.
I saw the hack. The damn thing was too tedious to maintain. Anyway, good luck with the article.
The colors make it painfull to read, try contrasting text/background.
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