Sunday, February 27, 2005

I did.

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Yes, i've noticed, but, did you notice that;
a)There is no counter for lives, coins or any kind of HUD on the screen.
b)You're playing 2 players(?)
c)You're playing Mario on a PS2.

I kinda miss 'em. 8-|

I think i am having withdrawals. I miss techtv. I'm sorry, i just haven't really given you my personal feelings on my blog, i've just reported the facts. I was looking around the G4 website and decided to do a search for samureye. Guess what came up? Why, the page with disembodied voive intros that i submitted to X-Play, that's what. I used to submit intros like crazy to X-Play and i had my intros used 6, maybe 7 times. Now, they don't accept user submitted intros. That really bites. X-Play isn't the same, but that's like saying this blog is lame- quite obvious.

My feelings towards the merger and techtv and G4 have been neutral at best. I've held mt tongue for the most part. Change is real, it's a part of life. I know people would think that all this is so trivial, people complaining about changes on T.V. The thing is, this is different. You see, TechTV was real. It wasn't like family guy. Every day i would look at the television, and at TechTV, because TechTV was all i watched. I swear, i felt like i was watching family. I miss Leo Laporte, Meggan Morrone, Yoshi and everyone else from TTV. I've matured from watching these people not to mention learnt a lot from them as well.

I never used to like Call For Help, but it became a favourite of mine over time. The Screen Savers was a regular part of my day. Now, not so much. I feel for Kevin Rose, Sarah Lane and even the somewhat infamous Kevin Perreira. Mr. Rose and Ms. Lane, they're like victims as well as Kevin P.
One thing i hate about people is how they take things for their face value. Just because you see Kevin P on TSS doesn't mean that it was he that ruined the show. And who says the show has been ruined? Well, in a way it has, that's debatable, but i'll get into that another time.

I'll save the three people who read this blog some time and cut this "rant" short. It's been a while since i've posted anything of substance, that's not to say that i can. People can be so critical at times, so for that reason i never promise anything from this blog. I like tech writing and all that jazz, but that's not to say that i can do so with any kind of enthralling quality. I'm done for now, but i will return to this. I used to receive some email from people not satisfied with the G4 merger. Let me know what you think and i'll post 'em here on the blog, as a sort of mailbag if you will.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Am i wrong to feel this way?

So i was looking at the screen savers earlier this week and saw that Sarah lane was doing her "gems of the internet" segment on the show. While looking at the segment i noticed that she was showing off Japanese warning signs. All this is fine and dandy, but i couldn't help but think that i may have had something to do with it, considering that i did submit the same story to digg some days before. Why wouldi think this? Well, because was featured on the screen savers before by Kevin Rose, that's why. Maybe i'm wrong, but i do kind of feel this way. Coincidence? You decide.

EDIT: I just reaslised that Miss Lane has a link to as one of her favourite sites. I feel good now :)

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Episode III pictures leaked!

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Becky Worley Update.

Okay, so i have to make an update on my blogroll again. Kudos to techtvforever
for getting the info first on Beckey Worley's new website,
Sadly, i don't see any blog on the site. Also, look out for Beckey's new show on National Geographic called "Mother of all" tonight at 8 PM.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Paris Hilton's Voicemail for Download.

Not terribly exciting, but Paris Hilton's voicemail is available for download. Good luck Avi. It's over 20 minutes long, so this should be cool for all you stalker people...



Filling a Gmail account.

Hey, this is something i was doing at tekstop/techstuff. I'm trying to fill up a Gmail account!
So go on and work your magic. Here is the address.
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Saturday, February 19, 2005

Fixed again!

Thanks go out to Michiel, who helped me out with the problem i posted about earlier, it works fine now, i just had to republish the entire blog and not the index alone.
Also, people still want to know about that email banner i have on the top right hand corner of the screen, well, you can get it right here. I posted that on the blog months ago, so this is just recycling:P

Interview with Laura Swisher on newstands.

Well this is interesting, "a little birdy" told me about a magazine that has an interview with Laura Swisher, what's more interesting, there might be a mention of this blog in there. Apparently this interview was not going to happen and in the interview, she talks about the cancellation of Unscrewed and all the firings of TechTv employees.

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Magazine cover.

So here's the thing, go out and get the magazine! It's $6.95 on the newsstands, not much at all. If you don't have the money for the magazine, paint houses, search in the couch, check grandma's ear or sell blood, whatever it takes to get the cash and buy this magazine. So go, tell your friends, this should be a good interview.

Magazine Website.

This'll be a hot one!

Yes, i know i've told you about my interview with Joey the intern. I haven't heard from him in a while, just be patient. Other interviews will be coming down the line. Patience, grashoppers, patience.

TechTv links and information updates.

Things have been a little slow in terms of TechTv news recently, but i have a few things for you. First off let me say that i found this info from techtvforever, a site i regularly visit. They are a great source for you G4/TTV information, as is this blog. Onto the news:

Here is an interview with Laura Swisher.
Interview with Laura Swisher.

News is out on Yoshi's new modsite, modtimes.
Yoshi's new mod site.

More Freaking Blog help needed.

Okay, so apparently when you go into the archives, you are going to see the blog with a different skin. I have no idea what this is about. I need a new skin, something with bars on each side, like at Dan's blog. Anyone know where i can get such help? I know nothing about this coding stuff, so all the stuff i do on the blog is through trial and error. Anyone out there willing to help?


Today this blog has had 25, 000 hits!

Something still wrong?

Hey, i need you people to help me out. I found a link back to the truth about G4 post i made. I clicked on the link and th page came up with the previous, Kubrick skin i had before. So do me a favour, click on the link, does the page correspond with the current skin or what? This blog need some serious help. Comment and let me know.

Truth about G4?

Friday, February 18, 2005


I don't know how many people are aware of this, but there are awards for blogs and bloggers. I don't know much about these awards myself. One of the most popular/famous awards would have to be the bloggies.
I found about them too little too late for this year and i haven't been able to either nominate or vote for anything, maybe next year. I did, however, discover new blog awards called the blogards. So for those of you that read your favourite weblogs every day, go on and nominate your favourite weblog in it's respective category. Let all your friends know about it and help get the word out. You should get involved if you have your own blog or just read them. So get the word out!


LOL album art.

Okay, have you ever thought bought a CD and thought to yourself, "This album art is pretty lame." I guarantee you that the CD can't be worse than this collection of album art that makes one want to remove his eyes from his sockets.

Don't look for too long though.

I would greatly appreciate it if you took a look at the stories i submit to digg and vote for them, if they interest you.

[My digg news]

ACME sign maker.

Ever wanted to put your own text on liscences from all the different states in America? No? Well then there's no pleasing you, but thanks to ACME, you can do just that.

ACME Liscence Maker.

Top fives. has all the top five lists you can think about and then some. This is all the site is about, top five lists, though some lists do go past 5. This is a pretty cool site to kill some time. Here are some of the top 5 lists that interested me.

Top 15 historical spam subject lines.

14 signs your SUV is too damn big.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Moving google maps.

So i was doing some browsing and ai came across this cool project being worked on. Apparently someone has taken google maps and made it so that you can have the map recenter while you move around. This is pretty cool to see considering that google maps is new and is still in beta.



Okay, i had to change the skin but i have finally been able to get this blog running smooth. My internet is back up properly..for now. I have some interesting stuff coming up in the next few days, so keep your eyes peeled, okay? Oh and i'm going to get cracking on those interviews, i know i've been lapsing. From now on, expect a much better blog, i'm going to try to post some better stuff, with better content and not just links. I do plan to change the template again but i can't find one a like. I'm going to have to get a custome one, now where can i get help with that?

Wednesday, February 16, 2005


My internet connection is giving a lot of trouble. Pages are loading horribly and it just makes everything unreadable and unmanageable. This is not helping me now that i am doing some editing on my template. This is why things are all screwy, or is it just on my end? I have some major changes to make with the code so please bear with me while this is happening. Can you people comment on the blog. What about the sidebar? I changed it up but truth be told, i can't see a thing, it just isn't loading. The only thing loading properly is my email, so someone shoot me an email if you can.
*crosses fingers*

Site stuff.

Well, as you can see, I’ve started making some changes to the site…again. One of the best things I was able to achieve was get that RSS feed to my digg news on the side. This is something I have seen people doing and I have been wanting to do it myself. Luckily enough, I was able to find it at one of the many blogs that I visit. So thanks go out to Dan Ostermayer. He has a great blog, so check it out. I also added links to some more blogs that I found and liked. Sam’s anime and fudgeinsomniac as well as Dan’s. I added them and did not contact them, something I usually do. I don’t want to impose on them putting links to me on their sites or anything, and it’s

Back to the changes. I also put a contact link up so I’ll stop posting my email at the end of every post like I used to. I got rid of the doodle board. It wasn’t really being used, so you can just comment or email for now. One thing I noticed was that the comments weren’t working all of a sudden. I don’t know what’s up. I think I’m going to have to use another template as I think the problem lies with the actual template I’m using. I hope to fix it soon. If I can’t seem to fix it, then my last resort would have to be going back to haloscan. Blech

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Random pt2.

Random articles i found.

100 greatest jokes of all time.
Greates? they're good, but that's debatable.

How Gmail works.

Self explained.

World paper money.
See scans of money from all over the world. Look for my country, Trinidad and Tobago!

Just enough loader.

I haven't tried it myslef as yet, but it looks good.

yet again, has thanks due.

[My digg news]

Monday, February 14, 2005

Gulp, it's here.

As of this writing, i've only seen the website has been overhauled. I'll comment when i see the actul channel get the one over as well. I'll look around for comments made by various G4 peeps.


Thursday, February 10, 2005

Showing higher education..

Tell me if you heard this one before, some guy finds a stack of Freshman papers wtth only a grade on them, and adds his own quirky commentary to the atrocious errors made on the papers, then posts them online for all to see. Never heard that one?

Too bad.

via [plasticbugs]

So, you want Gmail...

Then for the love of all that is dairy, please, please, PLEASE....leave your email address! In fact, the best way would be to email me, that makes it a whole lot easier.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

My Gmail invites = A few hunded.

Well, i have a few Gmail accounts, and while checking them today, i found that each of them had 50 invites, so i have a few hunded invites to give away. I know i'm not the only one to experience this trippy phenom, but i'm offering Gmail invites to anyone who wants.


I'm back.

Well, i'm back, i was on vacation. Do you care? Probably not.:P
In other news, i want to change what this blog is about, i just think some changes are in order. One of which is that i don't think i can manage this thing on my own, so i'm looking for some people to help me blog. A group blog seems like a better way to work. This, i plan to do after i get my new domain and everything else under wraps, but that's what i have planned for now.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Help filled.

Crazy colr pickr.

The great software list.

What snoop searches with.

Ever wonder what Snoop Dogg searches with, why gizoogle of course! It's a Google spoof search engine that gives results and translates text into Snizoop's Lizzanguage (sorry) :P

Check out the results searching for me.

Family guy Video Game...

Well, there is going to be a Family Guy video game coming out next year. I'm sorry, but i haven't the most faith in Take-Two. The game may suck, but from the looks of things, the game will come out on the next set of consoles as the game is due in 2006.


Scopetech logo!

Hey, check out the logo for Dan Huard's site,


Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Torrent site plays it cool!

Okay, so you may or may not know this, but recently, the legal papers have been flying like crazy as a result, a slew of people's favourite torrent sites have been going down. Well, there is one torrent site, namely, The Pirate Bay, that has also been getting legal threats, however, the owner of the site, based in Sweden, hasn't been paying attention to the legal letters he has been receiving, in fact, he's been making a joke of the matter, by publishing the emails that he is well as the hilarious replies he's been sending. This is definately worth a read. Let me know what you think of this one.

Legal threats.

{Thanks to for this link and that of the post before this.}

One liners!

This is just great! I found this great link that gives you a list of all the one liners from the late night shows. This is one of my new favourite links!

One liners.

More random crap.

Well, here's some more crap i found. Thank you!

Insert ASCII Control Characters in Text

How to Vanish in America.
Who needs to be noticed?

Terrorist Signs
A funny how to of sorts.

How to Cut
Self explanitory.

How to shoot rubberbands

[my digg profile]
Help me out and digg my stories!

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Random Happenings!

Hey there, i realise that i haven't been giving you people, the readers, much content, and i want to make reading this blog more worthwhile for all 3 of you, so here i present to you, multiple items in a single post, hopefully you will like something i put up.

Do it yourself Midi controllers.
I have no idea what this is for, but it looks interesting enough.

Installing Mac OSX on a PC
I guess this is kind of interesting, but i haven't used the Mac platform is years and i'm only 15.

How to pitch an idea.

For people who, you know, don't know how to fire a synapse on their own. It's actually very helpfull.

How to study
A nice, long and helpfull article here with advice on how to study.

The Age Guage
Gives you a perspective on how much older and younger you are than famous people, as well as how old you were for certain important and historic events. Pretty cool.

Rock, Paper, Saddam!
This is hilarious, you have to look at it.

Most of these were found from

Check out my digg news and help me get these stories on the hamepage by digging the links.
[my digg profile]

LEt me know if this is a better way to do the blog. Comment!

X-Play bloopers.