Saturday, February 26, 2005

Am i wrong to feel this way?

So i was looking at the screen savers earlier this week and saw that Sarah lane was doing her "gems of the internet" segment on the show. While looking at the segment i noticed that she was showing off Japanese warning signs. All this is fine and dandy, but i couldn't help but think that i may have had something to do with it, considering that i did submit the same story to digg some days before. Why wouldi think this? Well, because was featured on the screen savers before by Kevin Rose, that's why. Maybe i'm wrong, but i do kind of feel this way. Coincidence? You decide.

EDIT: I just reaslised that Miss Lane has a link to as one of her favourite sites. I feel good now :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

more than coincedence. I'm pretty sure she's mentioned digg a couple times on the show before, and that just doesn't happen that often.

7:24 PM  
Blogger samureye said...

I think so myself.

6:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

all their news comes from, and i dont think thats big news...

5:24 AM  

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