Saturday, February 19, 2005

Interview with Laura Swisher on newstands.

Well this is interesting, "a little birdy" told me about a magazine that has an interview with Laura Swisher, what's more interesting, there might be a mention of this blog in there. Apparently this interview was not going to happen and in the interview, she talks about the cancellation of Unscrewed and all the firings of TechTv employees.

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Magazine cover.

So here's the thing, go out and get the magazine! It's $6.95 on the newsstands, not much at all. If you don't have the money for the magazine, paint houses, search in the couch, check grandma's ear or sell blood, whatever it takes to get the cash and buy this magazine. So go, tell your friends, this should be a good interview.

Magazine Website.

This'll be a hot one!

Yes, i know i've told you about my interview with Joey the intern. I haven't heard from him in a while, just be patient. Other interviews will be coming down the line. Patience, grashoppers, patience.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

once somebody told me that he wanted to have all kind of audience....

9:08 PM  
Blogger samureye said...

What is that supposed to mean?

9:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well... i c prOn here :P

7:08 AM  

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