Friday, April 22, 2005

Revenge of the (BLEEP BLEEP)

Well, I’ve downloaded it and I must say, TROTSS is the greatest thing to happen since sliced bread. Meanwhile, sliced bread activists everywhere shall rally against me and my outrageous claim. I don’t care, let them, it would be the most action they’d get since the internal whole wheat VS. plain debate of ’79 took place. Ah, to be idle.

Back to the task at hand, I must say a big old thanks to my commenter who recommended that I use a download accelerator to speed up my download as well as enable me to pause and come back later, since I’m on dial up, well, the truth is, I haven’t tried the suggestion, but I will keep it in mind. I did use leechget, a nifty little DA that did the job well. It was shown to me on CFH by Roger Chang. Ah, I miss those free files…….*enter freaky flashback sequence*……..

For those of you still with me, TROTSS is excellent. It was so much fun to hear Robert Heron, Leo Laporte, Patrick Norton and Kevin Rose talking. For anyone that misses the original screensavers, then this is for you. Sadly, I can’t say that I’ll be getting the subsequent episodes, again, because of the whole dial up thing.

I don’t suppose someone wants to download the episodes and possibly send them to me on a CD? Nah, I doubt I could do that, it’s hard enough as it is to get people to comment, far less to get people to do something that requires *gasp* actual effort! And for a stranger to boot? Why, that’s just crazy talk! I know, I;m sorry for even thinking about it, it’s just that I’m feeling a little frisky, I ate a prune today.



Blogger Hacked.Alias said...

hey samureye....i just wanted to tell you: "i figured out how to put words under the header....i also know how to put a textamerica acount...but i dont want to (2many people have one)...I just wante to know how do u change your header font."
PS Go to Leo Leoprtes website theres something about TROTSS that you might enjoy

3:05 PM  
Blogger Bastich said...

Sammy, I'm on dial-up too and I just d/led the 2nd podcast of ROTSS. It only took about an hour on my 5kbps d/l speed. I suggest you use your download manager to shut down the computer after it finishes the d/l so you can just leave it when you study or go to school. I use flashgot and free download manager on Firefox BTW.

12:12 PM  

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