Friday, April 08, 2005

I'm not Adam Sessler

Originally uploaded by samureye.
Wow, i think i'm in love with Flickr and i feel this sense of rejuvination with the whole posting with pictures deal. Now, on to the matter at hand. Maybe you look at attack of the show [](boy i need to learn HTML. Anyways, long story short, a TV show wants the viewers to virtually pee in pools. Confused? Let me explain. is a great photo sharing/storing site because it allows for interactivity where people can make and join groups where anyone can come post pictures of specific things. When you upload a picture to your flickr account, you give the picture a tag, or multiple ones if you so desire. What is this really for? Well it allows for you to easily search for photos. So for example, you may upload a picture of me, or a monkey- what's the difference? Anyways, when you upload it you have the option of putting in a tag, so i may put "monkey" as the tag, sans quotes. Also, i could give it multiple tags, like "monkey animal "damn dirty ape"", again sans the first and last quotes. You only put quotes when you want to make a tag that has more than one word in it. Anyways, i'm rambling.

So you can go to my flick profile and look at all my pictures. It just so happens that this particular picture was commented on, because, yes, there is a comment feature, and someone made a comment that it looks like Adam Sessler, but the thing is, that's me! I'm not Adam Sessler. What do you think? P.S, don't stare too long, that can't be good, trust me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a bit off topic, but the nice little img tag "<img src=>" is taking the place of your blog title again

10:53 AM  
Blogger samureye said...

Working on it! My apologies!

12:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That did look a bit like the "Sess Man" as I call him.

12:23 PM  
Blogger samureye said...

But that's me! Not Adam Sessler! Sheesh! Haha.

12:30 PM  

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