Saturday, December 31, 2005

Pad Man Back Again

One of my favorite bloggers for sure is Robert Padbury. I enjoyed his writing at Scopetech and grew to like his blog a lot. Well, not unlike myself, his blogging was sporadic at best, but now I'm glad to know he's up and running with a new blog that will be posted on as of the 1st January 2006. It's a bit of a wait I know but I'm sure you can manage it. I'll be subscribing as soon as I figure out which online RSS Reader I'm going to use.  As of now, it's a toss up, between Bloglines or Searchfox RSS. If anyone is familiar with these services, which out of the two do your prefer? Better question, do you use something else? I know for sure I want something that is web based, since reading my feeds as I like them wherever I am is with no doubt, the best option there is.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I use online Newsgator. I heard it's the best so far.

1:07 AM  
Blogger samureye said...

I really dislike newsgator, it was the first one I ever tried.

2:41 PM  

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