Friday, November 12, 2004

G4 owns you?

So, to some people, TSS is under seige. They say G4 wants to rule everything and not make anyone, i.e. fans, happy. I realised today what might be an insight as to how G4 conducts business, or it may be a T.V personality who thinks it best to hold his tongue.
Yesterday, i noticed that kevinrose had commented about the whole lay-off and revamping thing. Here is what Kevin posted, but i wonder, if you work for G4, do they control what you can say???


Television is a crazy business - when you start a new show, you know one day that show will be canceled, and you will be out of work. Some shows last 6 episodes, others last 6 years. That’s just the way it is..

Today many of my friends were let go as the network made changes to revamp for new shows. Unscrewed was canceled, and The Screen Savers is being revamped.

The Screen Savers -
As I’m sure many of you have heard, we lost Alex, Dan, Yoshi, and several behind the scene producers… I know you all have tons of questions, and I don’t know much at this point. I’ve been told there are going to be more darktips, and that the show will still have a tech focus. That’s about it. The new show will continue after the Thanksgiving break. I’ll keep you posted as more develops – it’s time to go drink.

UPDATE: I’ve gotten a ton of “you should leave”, or “you’ve sold out” posts and emails. In moving down here, all of us signed multi-year contracts with G4. The only way we are released of these contracts is if we are fired. I can’t just leave. That said, my goal has always been to create solid tech content on TV. That’s what I still want to do. I love The Screen Savers and it’s been my life for the last four years. I’m going to give it another shot. If it doesn’t work and they let me go, I will move on to other things.

Listening to: Kings Cossing - Elliot Smith


But going on today, i see that the post has been edited. This is all it says.


Today many of my friends were let go as the network made changes to revamp for new shows. Unscrewed was canceled, and The Screen Savers is being revamped. More to come soon…


What do you have to say to that?


Blogger Shotgun Jackson said...

I say we gather up a posse, go to LA, take over G4TTV studios, and take the entire staff hostage!!

2:33 PM  
Blogger rg said...

If G4TechTV drops the Tech out of it, then the whole TechTV buyout has been solely in the purpose of terminating what had once been TechTV.

I had been a great fan of TechTV, then... well, I just watched the shows that 'stayed' for G4TTV, but now... I think I'm not watching G4TTV, well... perhaps Call for Help, and

11:36 AM  

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